Sunday, 31 January 2010

One for everything happens for a reason, perhaps?

Last year I took my youngest daughter to the doctors because of numerous persistent nosebleeds. My eldest daughter had suffered similarly but Kate seemed to be having worse symptoms and also hideous periods. She was tired and her joints ached. The young female Doctor said she would run some blood tests, which she did and continued to do for the next few months. Kate was anaemic with a blood count of 4, not good apparently and no surprise that she had been so tired and generally feeling under the weather. Kate has recently been diagnosed with a blood clotting condition called Von Willberbrands Disease which is hiredarty. Since then my Eldest daughter has been diagnosed and last week myself and my middle daughter.

This has probably proved fortuitous for me because I found out at the beginning of January that I need to have a Hysterectomy and I suppose if I hadn't have known about the blood clotting condition things may have been a little difficult. I hadn’t really had symptoms, no nose bleeds etc but when I had Kate I needed a blood transfusion due to a difficult birth. Having never heard of this condition before I realise now it is quite common and today I noticed this BBC news article on the condition.

We all need further tests to see if we can be given blood clotting factors to help if we are in an accident or need an operation.

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